In the presence of the Lord, I'm sitting here at my computer soaking on what I should Post. As I'm searching notes and memory of something to post... I cant figure it out, I begin to get frustrated! Then I stopped and asked the Lord what He wanted for this weeks Post.:) He gave me this video! As I'm watching this I find myself with cold chills and tears in my eye's. I hope you all feel the same as you watch this.:) enjoy!
Amazing right!?!?
I hope it made you feel like a child of God!
I feel like that IS a major thing in this world. Some of you may feel some sort of feeling of being abandoned either at home or in your walk with God. Id like to reassure you that your not alone, abandoned, or rejected.
Ephesians 1:5
"he predestined us for adoption to sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will"
To adopt a child is like God adopting you as His child, which we all know we are not only His but His alone before we could ever remember or even be thought of by anyone but Him. So let's imagine this, you can add your own details if you so desire. Imagine Yourself with no parents just foster parents, you feel alone and unloved. You don't know the Lord and your confused of what to believe in. Then one person tells you about the Lord. This person reads to you the first book of the Bible ( Genesis). You are in awe of this Lord and later on we see you give your heart to the Lord and begin to walk within Him instead of the loneliness the world seems to give. You start your devotions early in the morning before your day starts and you give Him the beginning of your day. So this continues and you seem to go down from the high part of your relationship with the Lord and you see yourself entering the Low. Things get tough and trials are at it's rage, but you fully trust in the Lord. So you pray to Him for directions and ask Him for guidance.OK so I realize theirs a difference between knowing and understanding, so when I ask the Lord for guidance in my life I usually ask Him questions referring to how I might understand the situation a little bit better and He always seems to give me the answers in His own timing.
Psalm 30:10 " Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me; Lord be my Helper!"
He gives you the peace of knowing and understanding what is going on and you begin to feel at peace. As the trial steepens you start to feel abandoned by the Lord like He's not even there. You start to lose trust in Him. But as we know the Lord approaches situations in different ways. You soon find yourself stepping into new hands and you suddenly realize you are adopted in this new family. The family is smiling brightly at you as you walk through the door and into the living room. You start to introduce yourself but you can't seem find the words to speak when it comes to heart broken questions that seem to leave you hesitant. You then listen to them talk about their lives but then it comes up again....."Your life". You suddenly have tears in your eye's for you mom and dad had rejected you before you could have ever remembered, you hadn't been taught to forgive your real parents and you don't know if you could ever. But then your family tells you the story of how Jesus was rejected by the people.
Hosea 8:1-3
“Put the trumpet to your lips!
An eagle is over the house of the LORD
because the people have broken my covenant
and rebelled against my law.
‘Our God, we acknowledge you!’
an enemy will pursue him.
Galatians 4:14
" and even though my illness was a trial to you, you did not treat me with contempt or scorn. Instead, you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God, as if I were Christ Jesus himself"
My point is, is that "if God leads you to it He will lead you thru it" and just because the "world" is telling you otherwise, that doesnt mean you have to obey it, it just means you have another route to denying what the flesh/world says for you to do. Just let Him be your first option to talk to in time of need, because we can't do it all on our own, also don't ever go a day thinking you are alone when your not, because your Father has adopted you (yes you!:) as His child of God. I hope you really feel like a child of God now thank you for imagining a life that is some what like our own.
"Praise to the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ
Our God and our King, to Him we will sing
In His great mercy, He has given us life
Now we can be called the children of God"
Wild at Heart