Sunday, April 13, 2014

Phase II/School of ministry Development

The story
During DTS the story was "How did the Lord bring you here?". Which reminds me that I don't think I ever told you that full story.
Growing up my sweet mom would tell me that I am going to be a missionary, that the Lord told her that before I was even born. As a kid I didn't fully understand that concept, so I would blow the thought off and dream about doing some kind of job that involved animals. Growing up I had all sorts of animals, from cats, to dogs, to horny toads (almost extinct species), to salamanders (they don't live long), guinea pigs....the list really could go on and on. I have many stories....the sad, the pretty and the ugly. At 11 my family moved, where we moved had a big church that we quickly got involved into. In youth I met a small group leader who had done YWAM, her name is the lovely Rebecca Danner, now a happily married Hilton. So at 12, began my journeys of dreaming the extraordinary. At 14 I was convinced that I would save up and take a trip to France. That was then, I found out you have to be graduated. So I convinced my parents to homeschool me so I could graduate a year early. That is what I was not easy at all but the end result has looked so beautiful. I graduated June 1st to move to Denver, Colorado June 24th to start my DTS. On my DTS as you may know I traveled around the world. Traveling to Costa Rica, London, South Africa, Thailand and The Philippines. I graduated November 8th. While I was in Costa Rica the Lord came to me in worship asking me to stay in Denver on staff for a while. I said yes and will always say yes to Him. A couple months later I took the scary but strengthening road moving to Colorado Springs. Now I have begun new adventures as a Phase II student. This journey hasn't been easy at all. But that's where the Lord comes in to help make each step easier. I can't imagine my life any different and more exciting than it has been the last year.
Since I started Phase II, the story is "where did you do your DTS? When did you do your DTS? Where was your outreach?"
That's the really neat thing about YWAM community is they are very personnel. This is something I am working on. I desire to be better at this. Asking question and listening. I really do love this. My favorite is hearing testimonies of others.

This week
So this week Phase II started with a blast. Welcome week has come and gone, now we have the assignments, speakers and a normal class schedule.
Our first speaker of the quarter was Brenda Lewis speaking on "World view". She has been in YWAM for 22 years and works with an orphanage in India. She makes me want to pack my bags and go with her to India. I loved having her this week.
Really enjoying everyone in this quarter. They are all so fun. My favorite is, that school of worship is going on so there is always some kind of music going on. It's awesome. I also love my roommates....their are 5 of us rooming together. Kimberly, Jana. Rebekah, Bethany and I. I did my DTS with Bethany and so it's pretty neat knowing at least one person coming into this quarter. Kimberly is 17 and a very sweet girl. Jana (pronounced -yana) is from Germany and is just always so much fun and very sweet. Rebekah has been on staff the past few years with YWAM overseas so its cool getting to hear the differences in bases, she is also very laid back and nice. I love each one of these girls. They are fun and always so sweet.
I love living in Community, though its been different this quarter. I have really enjoyed playing games and getting to know everyone's unique and fun personality's.
I really love my work duty on base this quarter, I got clean up. Which means that one week I do dinner clean up and the next I do lunch clean up. It switches back and forth each week. This means I have free time part of my afternoons. So I really enjoy getting homework done or just relaxing during this time.

projects in process
I have so many projects I am working on these next few weeks. Its really exciting and overwhelming at the same time.
I am working on a vision project of a ministry I would like to be doing for a while.
I tell my first speech of the quarter the 22nd, my topic is "The Father's heart in missions", I'm excited to get started with it and see how it comes out.
I have also started my outreach project this week, just trying to find a contact to support questions with answers to get it going. I will surprise you later with what that looks like.
Each week we have a scripture to memorize and countries. This next week Matthew 5:3-4 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
And I am working on memorizing South America, Capitals (extra credit) and countries.
As well as a book study each week.
 Busy quarter but so much fun. I am enjoying it all so far.

Outreach news
My phase II does have an opportunity to join Awaken DTS on their outreach to Colombia staying near Bogotá for two months. With much prayer, I have decided not to go. But I am open if the Lord decides to open the doors. He can surprise me. For now I feel Him keeping me here for the summer. My first summer in the states since 2010. Who knows though He might be keeping me here cause He wants me assisting an outreach. That would be neat. Anyways I am still praying about it, if you would like to join me in prayer feel free to do so.. Even if you have words, scripture or just encouragements...I love feedback. Your prayers etc. are appreciated always.

Thanks for reading:)
Katie Jones