Today I am exhausted! I love everything going on here, but I am so tired. Today Is my last day of class before I am off for 4 days. I'm not exactly sure what all my plans are for 4th of July but I have a feeling it will be busy.
Today we found out where we are going in Europe. I'm so excited! We will be going to England. We have 14 flights over a period of 12 weeks. Ah!!!!! I'm so excited! Everything is set in stone. God is so good! We get to stay as a group thru all 14 flights. If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is. Thank you Lord!:)
As I walked to my work duties today...late, from class going over+travel meeting and changing into work clothes. I was just wanting a nap. But as I sat down with the grounds crew, they told me we would just be hanging out. Praise The Lord! I know it won't always be like that and I will just have to push thru all the other times but I couldn't believe it. Praise The Lord. Instead we told a little of our testimonies to our leaders over grounds! They wanted to know us instead of just put us to work. This surprised me. I love grounds. We are privileged. After we told testimonies, we all got the chance to look at the property and see what all we will be working on. I am so blessed to be apart of it. I can't wait till we get things going. I will keep you all updated.
I got up an hour before I was supposed to :-/. This doesn't make me Sally sunshine but, it also doesn't surprise me very much. Happy 4th of July!:) planning on reading a little today and getting some homework done. My book and book report is due Monday, plus I have a creative presentation on Tuesday. This should be interesting. I have no idea what I will do but I pray God will give me idea's. a creative presentation is 3-5 min long and no longer than. We have two ways of doing it and creativity is a necessity to drag into it. I walked to Starbucks with the group, read my book for a few hours an then we walked over to get chipotle but it was closed. So we had Jimmy John's instead. I group hopped after lunch as Jodi an Kelsey, two more YWAM sisters walked in to eat. I just sat and talked with them. Everyone loves me. This is something I am having to get used to. We took a Walmart trip in Ruthie. I needed to get a fruit tray for the party at Ruth's (my ATW leader's home). When we got back we all got in red, white and blue. Gracie (my YWAM sister/roommate) did my messy bun and I wrapped my new zebra head band around my head. I love it.
I'm going to have to, for outreach phase. My hair is just going to do whatever during that time. So now is the best time to get used to it. I put make up on and we all loaded up and left. The party was fun. We played signs again. Totes fun. We watched fireworks at nine till the mosquito's attacked us. That ended it. They won....hands down. But come to find out, right above the sand volleyball court on base was a spectacular view of the works. I watched as I headed to bed.
Last night I made a fort on my bed. Using my huge purple blanket, I tucked some of it under the bunk above me and draped it down like a curtain. I slept in till 9! Big difference there. Felt so good. I decided it was laundry day beings that, my bed smelt horrible and my clothes bag was exploding. I decided it was a "careless....jeans and t-shirt type day". Not realizing I didn't take care of my blonde strands. I left base with my laundry, arrived at the laundry Matt....forgot my quarters. So back to the base I went. Arrived at the laundry Matt with my quarters, loaded my darks and started the load when I realized I had no detergent. So back to the base AGAIN. Arriving back at the laundry Matt I finally had everything I needed to get the job done. I hope this laundry fit thing doesn't keep happening....otherwise we are not going to get along well. I should be a pro by the end of 5 months. End of story!!!
For the rest of the day I read my book. Meghan and I brought my famous purple blanket outside and layed out. We read our books for about an hour....with of course many conversation and distractions in between. At 3:30 Meghan and I had dinner prep. We made brown rice, white rice, steamed veggies and teriyaki Chicken. Yummy! It was amazing!:)
We left for Despicable me2 only to arrive and they were sold out. But of course Colorado has many different malls/theatre's so we left for the other one. We did accidentally leave one person (thank The Lord it was not me....only my luck) behind but that was straightened out nicely. The movie was fantastic. I love the minions. On the way home I got shot gun, therefore I got to be navigator!:) That was fun!:) had one of those "had to be there moments" that only my YWAM siblings will laugh the hardest at.
Last night I thought one of the girls was having a weird dream involving the wall and their foot, later I thought someone was breaking in and I could only think about my laptop charging under my bed, come to find out the wind was blowing so hard the bathroom door was getting caught and then slammed as well as the blinds being tossed side to side. Earphones and music helped from 4am on. Today I read the last 6 chapters of "Is That Really You, GOD? By Loren Cunningham. It's a must read for anyone who would like to hear about missions/YWAM. So good! It's a must read period.
I enjoyed my breaks inbetween my reading, to take girls to the laundry Matt and back (like I hadn't been there and back enough....lol but what a blessing too).
I could have chosen to get frustrated today but my will of wanting this whole experience to be good got in the way. I am glad. I didn't want to be frustrated. My YWAM family is just too precious to me right now. God did great when He chose me to be here, at this time and with these people. It rained a sweet smelling and beautiful rain today! I love it! The day ended with capture the flag involving the whole base. Nobody won. It was too fun!
I woke up in a crabby mood today. Finding out that I had a horrible dream about someone in my past that affects my future. Looking past that, I was planning on going to Faith right by the base but come to find out nobody was going there at the time I was planning on going. So I went back to Vineyard with a group! Worked out great since a group of girls went in their own car and let me go with them after church to eat at California Pizza Kitchen. I had been wanting to hang out with this specific group so I'm very glad it just worked out that way. God knows how to soften my heart and let my plans fall into His hands.
Ultimate frisbee was fun to watch. It was all guys and mostly staff. Which was so much more interesting that the book report I desperately needed to get done. Don't worry, I got it done on time and emailed it to my leader. I also think my creative presentation is done. I asked if I could use one of my writings off of my blog and they said yes. I'm so excited! Now to just choose which one I will do. Lol
Tomorrow I have a full day and so I try to get most things done in the weekends. So most of today was spent relaxing, having fun with my YWAM siblings and talking to Jesus. He seems to calm my frazzled heart. I never knew that so much prep before this would effect me even now, but it does...good, bad or maybe even ugly.
This picture above has been what God has been showing me lately! The fact that we all have a choice, a free will. We can say no or yes. Now the consequences of a no is stupid to say due to a missed blessing to serve His kingdom, a yes is your choice but a great pleasure will come of it in the end. Not that, that would be all you serve but for Jesus you walk in that knowing, you pleased Him therefore He wants you to be pleased. I love walking with Jesus cause, He always shows me something. So, What's your choice?
Katie Jones