Friday, November 16, 2012

part one- What does a boundary look like

 Hey, everyone!

So I'm gonna try to start posting some more, which is a good thing cause I have a lot to talk about. But if any of you have any suggestions on what you would like me to talk about, I could definitely think about it, pray about it and possibly even post about it. Also I updated the look to this page so I hope you all like it

Life update
- I am now in my "half way there" marker with my senior year. It's exciting, scary and maybe a little sad. Seems like yesterday I was walking to class with my parents trailing behind me with a video camera in hand, videoing the entrance of my first day of school.

That's all I have as far as updates go.

Today I want to talk about boundaries. I'm reading a book called boundaries by Dr Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. I'm gonna start in chapter 2 and skip around, saying what stuck out to me and what I feel seems more important. Feel free to follow along by chapter to what I talk about or if you do not have the book just sit back and relax. (quotes are straight from the book)

Invisible property lines and responsibility

It is said that Boundaries are what define us.

Me and not me

The main goal of this chapter is to define your boundaries and recognize them as your reality to life that might even save your life. With Boundaries and knowing how far they range and what is crossing the line, we can do what we like within those boundaries. Otherwise Life becomes limited.
" think how confusing it would be if someone told you to "guard this property diligently , because I will hold you responsible for what happens here," and then did not tell you the boundaries of the property. Or they did not give you the means with which to protect the property? This would be not only confusing but also potentially dangerous"
Boundaries are what help us define what is in our soul, help us define what is our property and what is not our responsibility.We are not commanded to have "other-control even though in reality, we spend a lot of time doing so.

God and Boundaries

Boundaries naturally come from the nature of God. He is responsible for himself, just like we are. He uses boundaries through His personality and how he Guides us and what He tells us. He tells us that He is love and that He is not darkness (1 John 4:16; 1:6)
Did you know that He has boundaries in the Trinity. The Father, son and  the Holy spirit are one, but at the same time they are distinct persons with their own person hood and responsibilities, as well as conviction and love for one another (John 17:24)

Good in and bad out

"In short, boundaries help us keep the good in and the bad out. They guard our treasures (Matt 7:6) so that people will not steal them. They keep the pearls inside, and the pigs outside."
The bible backs up "confessing pain and sin helps to "get it out". "( 1 John 1.9; James 5:16; Mark 7:21-23)" boundaries are not meant to be walls to others, but as"one" (John 17:11)

Examples of boundaries

Boundaries help differentiate us from someone else and shows where we begin and end.
  • skin-A Basic boundary referred to as your skin can be used as a metaphor that keeps the good in and the bad out and protects your bones, muscles, blood and organs, holding them all together.
  • words- basic boundary setting word is "No". referred to as a confrontational word. The bible says in Matthew 18:15-20 say no to others sinful treatment to us. Thinking of things of which you "should do" is keeping you from enjoying the fruit of "self-control". Be specific in your words of where you stand. for example- "I like banana's but, I hate lemons!" lets others know what the rules of your yard is. (some phrases from the book)

  • Truth
    I love when it says "realizing the truth of his unchangeable reality helps you define yourself in relation to Him: When He says that you will reap what  you sow. (Galatians 6:7)
    "Honesty about who you are gives you the biblical value of integrity, or oneness"

    Geographical Distance

    Proverbs 22:3 says that :the prudent man sees the evil and hides himself."
    I agree with the book when it says that "sometimes physically removing yourself from a situation will help maintain boundaries."
    Limiting togetherness is also limited for the sake of binding evil.

Ok, so in part 2 I will go into great detail about:
-emotional distance
-other people
-what's within my boundaries?
-attitudes and beliefs
 and in part 3
withing the next two weeks!
To end part one to our Boundaries sermon, I'm gonna let you listen to my newest favorite song.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

walking the walk and talking the talk

Hey everyone! Long time no post! Life is busy and im sure you all know how that feels.
little update about me:
-Im growing in my talents and that would be singing....for the longest of times i have put it in the closet to only bring it out every now and then when nobody was looking and I'm finally sick of that and so I'm moving past that. It's a good part of me defeating what the devil decided to take over.
- Future planning- what a task this is...I'm gonna be honest I thought I'd be going to YWAM for the DTS, get on staff and work full time missionary.....nope! God has different plans and those are later plans. Hillsong is looking like a strong chance if not close to it. All I know is I started an application and then it sent and I had no idea it sent till I got an email.
- Im in a christmas play called "Newman and Co." at my church Trinity Fellowship. I am a dancer and a singer in the finale. It's so much fun! Totally worth late nights and hours of practicing. Im loving every minute of it.

Enough updates for now....

You are probably wondering what my thoughts are behind my title. well it really is what is says it is.

 Today we all have a "thang" we do.
For instance, someone walks up to you, you say "hi, how are you?" but most of the time they really dont care about how you are. Half the time if not most of the time, that is what really happens.

Have you ever walked uo to someone and they ask you how you are and then don't even let you answer? More than likely it's happened to all of us.

 Another example is- someone walks up to you and you have not seen this person in a while. They say " Hey, haven't seen you in a while! We should totally hangout and talk some time!" Usually half the time when people say this, they don't really mean it.

A big one is- you tell someone that you have been sick so they say " aww, im so sorry. Ill be praying for you". Most of the time when people say this, they don't really do it or mean it

My point is, is that we all say things without even thinking or meaning it. It's what we all do.
But, Instead of giving you the solution to this, I'm gonna give you a challenge.
My challenge for you this week is to try and mean what you say. Walking the walk and Talking the talk.This may look like praying for someone when they tell you they're not doing so well, instead of just saying it.

Psalms 34: 13
"Keep the tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit"

Here is a cool video and song I really like. Enjoy!

Wildatheart- seeking the unknown

Sunday, May 13, 2012

seeing, hearing and feeling the Holy spirit

Hey everyone! When time flies it soars and apparently I have been having way too much fun to post anything....I apologize! But then again I'm not a scheduled church service...I'm a vessel that He runs through so I really don't have any control of when I post.


-Friday we finalized the adoption for Paisley Grace Jones and came home with a 2 year old
-Please keep me in your prayers! I'm going through a few trials and will need it!
-my mom got into a wreck a few weeks ago and is thankfully 100% fine and all intact...but her car was not... after a few weeks of waiting for it to get fixed it's as good as new! Thank the lord!
- I have raised all my funds for Europe and now I'm saving for my spending money! Yay!!!:) all those hard hours at chick-fil-a has paid off. Id like to thank most of you who contributed to my trip...y'all are a blessing and I don't know what I would do without you. I'm hoping to send a little surprise to you while on my trip! Also thanks to those who bought a raffle ticket to win a helps a lot. And my lovely parents who helped me a ton! Thank you! You hanged in there...and so did I!
- last minute finishes to people to people stuff and then I depart June 23rd! Woohoo! going and might be a little different for me next year! I'm excited!!!

- As some of you may know I have been going to the south campus at trinity instead of the north...I like to go to both to be honest! I love the people at the south and I love our youth pastor at the north! Hmm...looks like I'll be doing both for a while!lol
-work- I'm still working at chick fil a and I still enjoy it... To an extent! I mean I love register but I think my heart can only take so much of it at once...I did get to try the second drive the other day for 15 minutes! I loved it!
-I'm also very excited about some upcoming choreographing I'm doing....I just pray I can set a date with a place and get everything done with it, cause it's definitely gonna be cool!

My crazy life
Sometimes it makes me feel bad to write a message and say something and be going through it at the period that I say it. For example I was gonna write about relationships last month but.....sneaky Lucifer came along and tore all my relationships apart. To where I have family, a few close friends (only the newest ones)and my counselor. It's one of those seasons you would do just about anything to get out of. And yes I can say I practically lived that statement for a day, and that day will always be in my history and will always come back to me. My gracious and loving father in Heaven reminded me one night at church that He has always been there through all the pain, tears and suffering.

We were asked to close our eyes and visualize God and look at all the features He gives you. And I saw Him standing right in front of me, clean cut, in white, standing in the sand on a beach (similar to Bondi beach in Australia minus the buildings surrounded), we were half way between the water line and the dry sand line so we still felt a touch of water slip over our toes as we stood there and when He spoke I couldn't hear him but I could read His lips and know what He said to me. We were asked to ask God if He loves me? And He said yes and started to remind me how much from a time when I was little and I wondered what was outside of the universe and farther and farther and farther...I wondered if it had ever ended and that was how much He loved me....and what was funny was he told me all that before we were asked to ask Him how much. Then a second time we were asked to close our eyes and ask God where He was in the room and point. As we all sat in a circle and asked God ...I pointed toward the middle and glanced up for a second and what I saw was everyone pointing towards the middle. Wow, right?

I know that when trials come before me I'll always become stronger through it....but it is especially hard to see it that way in the middle of it. Almost like being in the eye of a hurricane and thinking your house will be stronger in the end when really the house your thinking about is gonna be crashed into tiny pieces and your new house will be bigger, more beautiful and everything you have ever wanted in a just didn't realize that's what God was doing all along. I'm having to look at it this way right now.

Favorite childhood memory
May 3rd

Last night I was asked to tell about my favorite child hood memory. The first thing that came to my mind was:In 1st grade I'd ride the bus to my granny's house with my cousin Maggie. I always had gushers as my after school snack and that i always looked forward to after school.
Then I was asked to close my eyes and tell where Jesus was and what was His description.
He was my age sitting with me on the bus in a plaid striped button up collar shirt with nice jeans and nice squeaky clean shoes. As soon as I'd jump off the bus He would run to beat me to the door and give granny a big ole hug.
And had fun with us as He played with our imaginations in the kids room.

I think it's cool how you can ask your self one question like
"what's your favorite child hood memory?"
and He shows you that memory, how it was and then you ask
"where were You Jesus?"
 and He will show you not only how it was, but Him in it.
I love my encounters with Him!

These are not moments that can happen only in church or in small group they are moments that can happen any where, anytime, with anyone or by yourself. Just let God lead you and you will see amazing things happen.

God has really been encouraging me with:

Psalm 31

A David Psalm

1-2I run to you, God; I run for dear life. Don't let me down!
Take me seriously this time!
Get down on my level and listen,
and please—no procrastination!
Your granite cave a hiding place,
your high cliff aerie a place of safety.
3-5 You're my cave to hide in,
my cliff to climb.
Be my safe leader,
be my true mountain guide.
Free me from hidden traps;
I want to hide in you.
I've put my life in your hands.
You won't drop me,
you'll never let me down.
6-13 I hate all this silly religion,
but you, God, I trust.
I'm leaping and singing in the circle of your love;
you saw my pain,
you disarmed my tormentors,
You didn't leave me in their clutches
but gave me room to breathe.
Be kind to me, God—
I'm in deep, deep trouble again.
I've cried my eyes out;
I feel hollow inside.
My life leaks away, groan by groan;
my years fade out in sighs.
My troubles have worn me out,
turned my bones to powder.
To my enemies I'm a monster;
I'm ridiculed by the neighbors.
My friends are horrified;
they cross the street to avoid me.
They want to blot me from memory,
forget me like a corpse in a grave,
discard me like a broken dish in the trash.
The street-talk gossip has me
"criminally insane"!
Behind locked doors they plot
how to ruin me for good.
14-18 Desperate, I throw myself on you:
you are my God!
Hour by hour I place my days in your hand,
safe from the hands out to get me.
Warm me, your servant, with a smile;
save me because you love me.
Don't embarrass me by not showing up;
I've given you plenty of notice.
Embarrass the wicked, stand them up,
leave them stupidly shaking their heads
as they drift down to hell.
Gag those loudmouthed liars
who heckle me, your follower,
with jeers and catcalls.
19-22 What a stack of blessing you have piled up
for those who worship you,
Ready and waiting for all who run to you
to escape an unkind world.
You hide them safely away
from the opposition.
As you slam the door on those oily, mocking faces,
you silence the poisonous gossip.
Blessed God!
His love is the wonder of the world.
Trapped by a siege, I panicked.
"Out of sight, out of mind," I said.
But you heard me say it,
you heard and listened.
23 Love God, all you saints;
God takes care of all who stay close to him,
But he pays back in full
those arrogant enough to go it alone.
24 Be brave. Be strong. Don't give up.
Expect God to get here soon.

wild at heart- Never give up!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

This little light of mine

Hey everyone!
 Hope your new year has been filled with blessings and fun!  Ha, I havent posted in a while so I have a lot to accomplish in this message.

October 11th- We said farewell to Bebe our Italian Exchange student! Im glad we were able to minister the word of God to her the best we could in the time we had. I wouldnt want to host an exchange student again but im glad we tried it and learned from it.:)

Europe update
I started my fundraising journey for my trip to Europe with people to people for the summer of 2012. Right now im selling raffle tickets for anyone who would like a chance to win a 2012 camaro, Im also working at chick-fil-a on coulter, and soon to be sendng out sponser ship letters ( to those who would like to contribute to my trip). Let me know if your interested in helping me out in any way!:) thanks!

Faith Blog- Faith Blog has recently become apart of Wild at heart as of October 22nd! I em excited for what's  to come with sure to check out my new post on the 22nd
Hope you like it.:)

A wish that took years of dreaming...finally...coming true!
Ever since I was 4 yrs old or younger I have been asking my parents for a brother or sister! I'd pray about it every night. To the age of 12 I was finally convinced that they were not gonna have any more kids, so I thought up more idea's and finally went back to the time my dad told me about fostering and adoption. My parents had once been licensed to foster and had done so for 5 years before I was born. So with that brought a new prayer to my life. Since then dreams had become so realistic that I would wake up in tears due to the fact that it was no longer true, just in my dreams. Finally February or March of this year, I was convinced.... yet again, that having a brother or sister was only in my dreams! The prayers stopped there. So I moved along with my life and raised my funds for Australia. The day I came back I was sure I could see some sort of change in my parents eyes. For the eyes speak the soul. I blew it off, thinking that I was just going crazy from jetlag. Two weeks later I was attending a prep class for college with one of my friends and his mom. Suddenly Adoption came into the conversation and a different word was written on my moms face. I was then asked to speak about why we hadnt gotten into adoption yet and that answer was "Dad hasnt agreed to it yet." I said with doubt written all over me. Then the best words I could ever hear were spoken from my mom's lips "Thats the thing Katie, while you were gone we both decided we are not ready to be done being parents! We want to adopt!" Those words hit me like, the most softest pillows you could ever touch. Since that moment my parents have gotten into the Bair Foundation. This exciting journey started out with a little red headed 6 yr old angel, after hearing her story our hearts melted to hers. So we hurried all our paper work up, then suddenly....Bang! The door was suddenly shut the day of her arrival hours before we were supposed to take her in for rest bit care for the weekend. We were all crushed! So as the weeks slowly went by and we kept on working hard to get licensed to etleast foster. We were blessed November 9th with the sweetest phone call saying they had a little girl for us.
Ok, so this is where it gets see my mom has been asking for school aged children...and this is where God's humor comes in as well.
Thursday Afternoon I got into the car and was blessed with a 17 month old little girl named Rachel.She was born one day and put into foster care the next. She was placed with a family who had 4 kids in all, 2 adopted and 2 biologicals. The family had the intentions of adopting her but they couldnt afford it. So we took a trial run and melted to hers. The day after she left to go back to her foster family, my parents would go to my room and grab a toy off of her bed and start playing her favorite songs. They moped around the house till wednesday and with that I was surpised to see Rachel again. That night she went to student ministry's  (my church youth group) with us. I had given her a bath and changed her into a cute outfit really fast so she could go. As the service started she was sitting on the step beside Jordan Melugin (youth pastor), I made the slightest signal to her for her to come to me and she came running with her arms stretched out ready to give me a hug. I love her soo much and she adores me as well. So that's where I have realised after two years of wanting an older sister is that, I dont want an older sister because I have always been the oldest in my home and when I look back on the experience I had with Bebe....i really dont want that. So Im thinking now, It's not that I want an older sister....its that im training to be one. And that's where tears come to my eyes because I feel like I have been searching in all the wrong places till God has blessed me to be what I have been searching for. He's awesome like that. We have now had Paisley Grace Jones for 2 months and 3 weeks today. As of december 29th her parents were terminated. So we started calling her Paisley Grace.

Wild at Heart-
Katie Jones

This song came on the day I came home to meet my new little sister! I love it, made me have excited tears!:)