Friday, June 28, 2013

Around the world


I had to wake up super early to take my last typhoid capsule for vaccinations that are required to travel. This going to bed late and wake up early thing, does not work for me. So I think soon I will be going to bed a lot earlier. 
I forgot to mention that yesterday we started morning quiet times. I'm excited about this because it means this is just one less thing to worry about fitting into a busy schedule. 
That way it's a part of our busy schedule's. 
So to be more specific about where I'm going during out reach.
1st -Costa Rica for 8 days, where we will be doing children's ministry, practical/hands on work and church encouragement. 
2nd-Europe (possible) for 8 days. Pray for details to fall into place.
They are looking at:Ireland, England, Holland and France. France is not likely but it's ok to keep it in your prayers! I love that place.
In one or more of these places, we will do a week of teaching as a part of the lecture phase. 
3rd- South Africa for 15 days where we will do some more children's ministry as well as youth and church ministry.
4th-Thailand for 14 days where we will do kids, youth, church ministry and evangelism.
5th stop-The Philippines for 14 days, where we will be doing kids ministry, slum ministry and church encouragement.
I think some of it is still in the works so just keep praying for all that. Y'all are awesome!:) 
I'm excited about all this. We start preparing for it next week while the other schools won't even worry about it for another 4 weeks. 

Great day today. The weather is great until I go into my room. I figured out the other day that my building doesn't have an ac, it's not in the budget and prayer is going into the funds to provide that. Pray for that. I'm blessed where I am though and I am fine with or without. Just reminds me how spoiled I was and it just makes me more thankful to be in an ac building. Thank The Lord that our class room has ac. I have been hearing so much positive about myself lately, that I can hardly believe it all. This doesn't happen everyday. But it has happened every day I have been here and we all pray it happens more. They say this is just the beginning and this is just a "honey moon" stage. I don't believe that. I believe we all became closely knit from the beginning for a reason and will stay this way to the end. I was sitting in an informational class yesterday and just the mention of leaving in 8 weeks without compassion (our other half/DTS)and the thought of not crossing paths in thailand made everyone sigh. This was just the 3rd DAY. Seriously. I love these people. I have never been able to say that before. Though I miss people back home, I wouldn't want to leave all this and these wonderful people I now call my YWAM family. I got the blessing to share a glimpse of my story today. I was not excited to do so and God really had to show me that nothing is wrong with it and that He would help me share what was necessary. And that's what He did. I couldn't have told it any better and the best part is God is just so entertaining, like what Graham Cooke has said before "He has such a sense of humor" and that's what flowed out of my mouth. I hadn't noticed anyone laugh so much until my story. It was appropriate and a lot of fun. I am so glad He is always In me, in some way, making things a little better and a little lighter on my shoulders.  Today God decided that I had enough of dishes and He didn't put me on the list to do dishes for my job around base (to keep base neat and tidy). Thank The Lord. Please pray I get child care as my job. They already have had a meeting for those people but, its not too late. And if not, pray I get a job that I will enjoy. 
YWAM does not just stand for "youth with a mission" but also "yes we arrange marriages" cause most people that eventually marry have met in YWAM. I have always said I thought I would meet someone that I would marry and say I met him in YWAM. That's possible. But that is God's plans. I just thought that was funny. 

I'm aiming towards videoing a song or two of worship soon and post it. So be looking forward to that:)
Katie Jones