Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Today is Sunday! The hardest part of this transition, is changing churches for me! Though I know that it doesn't matter what church you go to,  as long as your heart, soul and mind is aimed towards Jesus. 
A group of us went to Mile High Vineyard in old town Colorado (still in Arvada). I have no complaints, it just was different. And it always will be. God showed me the morning I moved out, that nothing would ever be the same. 
After church Logan my YWAM sister and I went to Starbucks where we ate our packed lunches and talked about life. We then went to check out the laundry matt close by the base and got ice cream from Dairy Queen. The rest of the day consisted of Dinner with everyone and Despicable me. Of course I'd rather hangout and talk so that's just what I did after watching part of despicable me. 
This group is so much fun! I can't get over that. I'm loving it! I love having 6 roommates! I love the crazy busy bathroom in the morning while getting ready. I love the conversations we all have about anything. I love that we all look out for each other. I love that everyone cares for each other. I just love it. 
Katie Jones

Waking up this morning I was freezing! Colorado got down to 55 over night and into the morning. I even turned my little fan off. It was so nice! I love snuggling.
Today classes were intense. 
Jeff Pratt is a powerful speaker. I don't know how many times I just wanted to cry. But I held it in. I know there will be times I will need to just let it go. God is healing me of stuff I thought I was already healed of, but I guess He just wants to make sure I'm really good!:) The thing I find most amazing is the fact that he knew our names instantly. I don't know Him at all and I have never seen him on base yet, he can walk up there as soon as class starts, start to speak and call us all by name. Totally prophetic, I think so.
His session "love-Crazy love". Hit like a train wreck. Speaking about passion, relationship with Jesus,  and unconditional love. Second session called "His many faces of Passion" spoke Mostly on the 5 kinds of relationships. Which are listed:
1.Lover and Bridegroom
2.Husband or wife
5. father
"It's and ocean where there is no bottom"Jeff Pratt
And mixed with the brokenness that can come of these.
Brokenness is when I see my sin breaks the heart of God. 
He used many illustrations and examples that were really good. 

After class I had the rest of the day off which was a relief since I was a little overwhelmed from class! 
I love afternoons like this! The cool air, sweet worship songs randomly playing into my mind and my sudden break out in song! It's funny. I will think I'm by myself in my room and start to sing or hum and someone will always pop out of no where and complement me of my voice. Im always surprised and shocked! But I think that's something God is healing me of. He is purposefully putting me in situations that will bring growth and bring me out of my comfort zone that eventually feels like my comfort zone quicker than I would ever think.
It's great! I feel free here. I don't feel like I have to put on something fake or avoid anyone I think doesn't like me. I always sit with someone different when we eat and I always get to know someone else on a much deeper level. That's my goal and I love that God just knows how to help me out with that. 
I haven't had a moment of feeling alone, rejected or scared. I feel like I am in a place of just being "me" and that's how it is supposed to be. And the best part is everyone accepts "me". Not for something they want me to be. Just me!:)

Here's a song I think has been speaking into my life and in this season of my life. enjoy:)
YWAM+God=this happy happy happy girl😃                                                                                          
Wildatheart-You make me come alive