Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pack your bags

I hope you all are excited that Thanksgiving is Thursday! I know I am ready to see family and eat a lot of food. I think its fair to say that in my house we are excited about pumpkin pie! yum! 

Well since Phase II ended, life has changed so much. Although sometimes it doesn't feel like it, it has. I have been a nanny to a little girl and have totally enjoyed it. She has been a blessing to my life. 

In this time of being home and just simply enjoyng my family, my job and just being where God has me, I have been praying for the next step. I am excited to announce that I have been accepted to staff with youth with a mission (YWAM) in Kona, Hawaii starting January 6th! While I'm there I will be in the main offices, also known as the gateway department working in student services. I will be working with International and US students, as well as recieve applications and input information into the system. 

I am so excited for this next season of my life! 

Please be praying for me as I prepare, for safe travels and an easy transition. 

Thanks a bunch! You are truly amazing!

Katie Jones


Want to join my team?

Ask me about opportunities you can stay involved prayerfully and financially as I take this Journey with Him!

Email me at: Katiewithamission@gmail.com