Thursday, January 19, 2012

This little light of mine

Hey everyone!
 Hope your new year has been filled with blessings and fun!  Ha, I havent posted in a while so I have a lot to accomplish in this message.

October 11th- We said farewell to Bebe our Italian Exchange student! Im glad we were able to minister the word of God to her the best we could in the time we had. I wouldnt want to host an exchange student again but im glad we tried it and learned from it.:)

Europe update
I started my fundraising journey for my trip to Europe with people to people for the summer of 2012. Right now im selling raffle tickets for anyone who would like a chance to win a 2012 camaro, Im also working at chick-fil-a on coulter, and soon to be sendng out sponser ship letters ( to those who would like to contribute to my trip). Let me know if your interested in helping me out in any way!:) thanks!

Faith Blog- Faith Blog has recently become apart of Wild at heart as of October 22nd! I em excited for what's  to come with sure to check out my new post on the 22nd
Hope you like it.:)

A wish that took years of dreaming...finally...coming true!
Ever since I was 4 yrs old or younger I have been asking my parents for a brother or sister! I'd pray about it every night. To the age of 12 I was finally convinced that they were not gonna have any more kids, so I thought up more idea's and finally went back to the time my dad told me about fostering and adoption. My parents had once been licensed to foster and had done so for 5 years before I was born. So with that brought a new prayer to my life. Since then dreams had become so realistic that I would wake up in tears due to the fact that it was no longer true, just in my dreams. Finally February or March of this year, I was convinced.... yet again, that having a brother or sister was only in my dreams! The prayers stopped there. So I moved along with my life and raised my funds for Australia. The day I came back I was sure I could see some sort of change in my parents eyes. For the eyes speak the soul. I blew it off, thinking that I was just going crazy from jetlag. Two weeks later I was attending a prep class for college with one of my friends and his mom. Suddenly Adoption came into the conversation and a different word was written on my moms face. I was then asked to speak about why we hadnt gotten into adoption yet and that answer was "Dad hasnt agreed to it yet." I said with doubt written all over me. Then the best words I could ever hear were spoken from my mom's lips "Thats the thing Katie, while you were gone we both decided we are not ready to be done being parents! We want to adopt!" Those words hit me like, the most softest pillows you could ever touch. Since that moment my parents have gotten into the Bair Foundation. This exciting journey started out with a little red headed 6 yr old angel, after hearing her story our hearts melted to hers. So we hurried all our paper work up, then suddenly....Bang! The door was suddenly shut the day of her arrival hours before we were supposed to take her in for rest bit care for the weekend. We were all crushed! So as the weeks slowly went by and we kept on working hard to get licensed to etleast foster. We were blessed November 9th with the sweetest phone call saying they had a little girl for us.
Ok, so this is where it gets see my mom has been asking for school aged children...and this is where God's humor comes in as well.
Thursday Afternoon I got into the car and was blessed with a 17 month old little girl named Rachel.She was born one day and put into foster care the next. She was placed with a family who had 4 kids in all, 2 adopted and 2 biologicals. The family had the intentions of adopting her but they couldnt afford it. So we took a trial run and melted to hers. The day after she left to go back to her foster family, my parents would go to my room and grab a toy off of her bed and start playing her favorite songs. They moped around the house till wednesday and with that I was surpised to see Rachel again. That night she went to student ministry's  (my church youth group) with us. I had given her a bath and changed her into a cute outfit really fast so she could go. As the service started she was sitting on the step beside Jordan Melugin (youth pastor), I made the slightest signal to her for her to come to me and she came running with her arms stretched out ready to give me a hug. I love her soo much and she adores me as well. So that's where I have realised after two years of wanting an older sister is that, I dont want an older sister because I have always been the oldest in my home and when I look back on the experience I had with Bebe....i really dont want that. So Im thinking now, It's not that I want an older sister....its that im training to be one. And that's where tears come to my eyes because I feel like I have been searching in all the wrong places till God has blessed me to be what I have been searching for. He's awesome like that. We have now had Paisley Grace Jones for 2 months and 3 weeks today. As of december 29th her parents were terminated. So we started calling her Paisley Grace.

Wild at Heart-
Katie Jones

This song came on the day I came home to meet my new little sister! I love it, made me have excited tears!:)