Wednesday, September 11, 2013

London, England Adventure

When we got to London, we had no idea where we were going to stay or any of our plans, but God blessed us with Emmanuel evangelical church who worked thru legal stuff to allow us to stay with them for as long as we were in London...they also got us food. With that God also blessed us with opportunities to serve in the church with their street healing ministry, homeless service and Mother's Day out as well as let us attend a conference speaking on pro-life with Scott Klusendorf. We also got to walk the Heart of London, England praying for people and the place.

God allowed me to speak into many that have gone thru what I have and so I poured in what has been poured into me! I believe lives were changed!

At the healing ministry I poured into a lady who is struggling with depression/anxiety, she shared her struggles as a mother of a 6 yr old, trying to get him back (I'm thinking that the parents are separated and the dad has him), how she feels so alone right now and how she is just trying to find true love. Because I have struggled with depression I got to pour into her what my counselor poured into me. It was such a gift to be able to give someone a seed of hope that will grow.
At the homeless service I talked to a lady named Lance that has been told by social services that she has mental issues. I spoke truth over her and told her a little of a family testimony and as I spoke words that she would be able to evangelize to people in social services or anything in that area. Doctors of any sort are not people we need to listen to cause God is the one who knows everything. Because I am so thankful to have an older sister who is special needs  and has been told that she couldn't do simple things like walk or talk (much more we were told) and God came thru for her by giving my awesome parents strength to do what it takes to allow her to walk, say a few words to sign language and much more....she is a living, breathing, walking blessing to my family and I. She is proof that doctors don't see all, let alone know all but that God knows. 
Saturday night we attended church at Hillsong. It was what we needed and it was such a blessing to attend and enjoy. People here are very reserved! We have all had a few experiences where we would go up to someone with such confidence to say "Hey, how are you?" And the other reply "No!" Or I even had someone just shake their head no.
I had a homeless lady ask me with such concern to see if I was feeling ok! It's not common for anyone to go up to a stranger and start talking to them here while in the states their a little more open to it. We have prophesied and pray that we can turn graveyards into gardens here and we believe that is what we have done and we will keep praying for the revival to come. This place is anointed with Him everywhere, now all they need to do is choose Him...choose a relationship with Him. That is my prayer for London. 
All to come down to my love for London Brag moment! 
London is beautiful! The tea is delicious and the people's hearts are so sweet once you get to know them.
The kids are beautiful with their nice outfits (always dressed nice) and landscape that is always picked up and fancy. I love London! I could move here, but that would be a bit expensive. 
Last night we wrote down a name and explanation of each person on a paper and went around praying over each person we have encountered here. Visions of chains being broken and gardens being mended together were displayed before us giving hope to this place.
Last night  we had a movie night, ate pizza and had magnum ice cream! Perfect way to end our experience in London, England.
Now toSouth Africa, Capetown we go!:) 
YWAM life
Blessings and so thankful
Katie Jones