Hey everyone!:)
Change in the making
I am so thankful for where God has me now, but if you would just join me in prayer for what He might have me doing next. That would be great! For now I am enjoying where I'm at on the way to where I'm going.
I haven't updated you since I was beginning my journey's in Denver Colorado doing another school with Youth with a mission called School of ministry development/phase II.
This school was challenging to me in unexpected ways. I spent time with the Lord a lot in this time. We dreamt a lot of my future and even had journeys that taught me more of His heart each time. I enjoyed each moment. This school was busy right and left but in such a great way. I really enjoyed being back at the base living in community. I think my favorite was all my roommates. We all bonded and some of us would go on spur of the moment DQ icecream trips in my jeep. I am so glad I got to know them and live life with them. Some of my other favorites consisted of geography quizzes-I really enjoyed figuring out fun ways to memorize places,I enjoyed the simplicity of just dreaming with God and just being ok with what He is doing when I can't see it. As well as getting to spend time with my Assistant outreach leader from DTS Tim and my outreach leader from DTS Ruth. Both of you are so inspiring and always challenge me to grow. Thanks!
Although this season was so different, I enjoyed each part (even the hardest moments).
One kingdom night I attended, the group and I went to the top of a hill where this life sized compass sat as the hill sloped inward making this compass the middle of the top of this hill (here it is in the picture below)
As we stood there we looked at about 20 teenagers standing around smoking weed. It smelt very strong of. We noticed standing there that clouds were beginning to build but it wasn't expected to rain. Another part of my group was in the middle seeming a bit lost. So we decided to join them and start praying over this hill. Suddenly we started singing "let it rain" as we sang the wind kicked up, dirt was thrown around us and it started to sprinkle. Everyone who surrounded us that were smoking weed started to flee. By the time we had finished singing NOBODY was around us. Totally God. So we began to pick up all of the weed buds/cigarette buds off the ground finding whatever we could to gather it up in. As we cleaned up the place different people started coming up to us simply curious about us and ended up leaving healed in some area of their life. Once we finished and simply felt the darkness, smell and weight lift to feel freedom, joy and healing all around the place. When we left that place we thought we were done but God had a little more. As we gathered with the entire group that came for kingdom night and began to hear all of the testimony's, something just kept coming up. Almost every story mentioned someone who talked about mysterious raining and wind happening on top of the hill (they were talking about our group)....crazy right. And the really crazy part is, is that after we told our story to the group, everyone told us that it hadn't rained anywhere else. What a cool night. life changing for sure. God is so good. He always show's up when we ask Him to either big or small.
One kingdom night I attended, the group and I went to the top of a hill where this life sized compass sat as the hill sloped inward making this compass the middle of the top of this hill (here it is in the picture below)
As we stood there we looked at about 20 teenagers standing around smoking weed. It smelt very strong of. We noticed standing there that clouds were beginning to build but it wasn't expected to rain. Another part of my group was in the middle seeming a bit lost. So we decided to join them and start praying over this hill. Suddenly we started singing "let it rain" as we sang the wind kicked up, dirt was thrown around us and it started to sprinkle. Everyone who surrounded us that were smoking weed started to flee. By the time we had finished singing NOBODY was around us. Totally God. So we began to pick up all of the weed buds/cigarette buds off the ground finding whatever we could to gather it up in. As we cleaned up the place different people started coming up to us simply curious about us and ended up leaving healed in some area of their life. Once we finished and simply felt the darkness, smell and weight lift to feel freedom, joy and healing all around the place. When we left that place we thought we were done but God had a little more. As we gathered with the entire group that came for kingdom night and began to hear all of the testimony's, something just kept coming up. Almost every story mentioned someone who talked about mysterious raining and wind happening on top of the hill (they were talking about our group)....crazy right. And the really crazy part is, is that after we told our story to the group, everyone told us that it hadn't rained anywhere else. What a cool night. life changing for sure. God is so good. He always show's up when we ask Him to either big or small.
Change in the making
At the beginning I had initially planned to continue on staff. I put in my staff application and once I did God kept revealing to me what His heart was for my future and my passions. By the time I got to my interview I knew that I would have to say what was really on my heart that God had brought up within my own passions. I am thankful for great leaders who also saw my gifts and passions as well as listened to The Lord. So at the moment I won't be continuing on staff there. My heart is to work with kids.
He has been reminding me of this journey He has me on that started when I was 12 doing a camp at my church called Camp Rock which taught us dances to Christian songs that would speak to kids. This camp led me to helping on the worship/skit team in the infant-6 yrs for four years. Which led me to helping in all of the ages for three more years. Since I was in middle school I've had a heart for orphans. As I would dream about a little sister or brother I would go on adoption websites, print out their picture and simply pray for them. As you know, two years ago we were blessed with Paisley Grace Jones and our lives have forever been changed. Even when I did my Discipleship training school around the world outreach we spent a lot of the time with kids. During my Phase II The Lord and I dreamed of building an orphanage from the ground up (it could happen). As my phase II went on I got several confirmations about doing something with kids specifically. Now that I have been home, I've seen doors close that I thought were His will when really He was leading me to another door. As of now I am a nanny to a 5 yr old little girl with Down Syndrome. She is so precious and such a joy to be around. It's hard to believe that something I'm so passionate about is my job. I Love it. Such a blessing.
Elleanah and I in the picture below.

In this season He is changing me and preparing me for something Big...It's hard to not be excited. I see His heart each day with every thing I am doing and with everyone in my life. So I just want to challenge you where your at on the way to where your going to stop, look at what He is doing in your life and thank Him for it. Personally my eyes have simply been opened to what I hadn't seen before and there seems to be a little more joy in each day.
Elleanah and I in the picture below.

In this season He is changing me and preparing me for something Big...It's hard to not be excited. I see His heart each day with every thing I am doing and with everyone in my life. So I just want to challenge you where your at on the way to where your going to stop, look at what He is doing in your life and thank Him for it. Personally my eyes have simply been opened to what I hadn't seen before and there seems to be a little more joy in each day.
Coming soon
The Lovely Katie Buford videoed my first speech. As of now I am working on getting it on my computer to post so be on the lookout for that in a future post....and more awesome stuff.
Katie Jones
The Lovely Katie Buford videoed my first speech. As of now I am working on getting it on my computer to post so be on the lookout for that in a future post....and more awesome stuff.
Katie Jones