Friday, August 16, 2013

The returning YWAM

Kingdom night tonight was phenomenal. God told me that I wouldn't have to search for people to talk to, so I just went with it and what happened was really cool.
Stephanie  (one of my leaders)word to me-Your heart is sensitive right now and will know who to go to!;) 

A few of us found a lady in her 60's homeless and desperate for someone to talk to! We all listened intently to her as she spoke about her country stealing from her and her family leaving her stranded. She believe's she doesn't need her family anymore and she prays that this government will get itself together one of these days. We got the opportunity to pray over her and I gave her a word saying "with great difficulty will come great Favor from The Lord and I want to declare that over your life!:)"
She was happy to hear this but she questioned my name and asked If I had any other names/identities! I don't know what this mean but I answered to what God calls me. Not sure if that's what she meant.
Next guy I talked to was not a Christian but he will be in my prayers! I am positive I planted a seed. His family is gangster (what he told me), his mom died of heroin and his dad died in the Vietnam war, his two brothers are distant and he was dropped off in Denver by his now ex-girlfriend left to be homeless. They fought a lot. He was a very nice guy! I felt like he was giving up on life in general with the extremity of what he talked about. My heart hurts for him. He asked me what I worked for and so I told him I am a missionary! He then continued to ask me what got me into all this religious stuff, so I was honest and told him that I was raised in a Christian family and continued to say that I am not here to change him but to love on him and whoever God put in my path. He was very understanding! I just know I wouldn't want a Muslim to go up to me only to be there to change me and not to listen to me. I wanted him to know I was there to listen to him and give encouragement and if he was interested in having a relationship with Jesus, the door was not closed. I did offer to pray for him but he refused and I'm fine with that. I told him he would be in m prayers.
Then storm and I left for Starbucks! After getting a drink we sat outside at a table. When storm looked to her right, she looked back at me with eye's that said "she is it, she is the one God wants me to talk to" and so I looked and said "yes, lets do it!" We walked over to a young lady at a table all by her self. We both introduced ourselves and sat down as if we were old friends. Storm started talking to her as if she had known her, her whole life. I just sat there very silent at first listening to storm ask her if she had anything we could pray for her and the young lady (Gaby) telling her she was very blessed and then continued to ask if she had anything she could pray for. This was a little shocking to us, this doesn't happen often. As I sat there I felt bad for staying silent but that was also the moment God gave me a word for Gaby. When we were done praying over her! I began telling her "Gaby, I feel like The Lord would want me to tell you that you are rooted and planted in His path, you don't look to the right or the left but to him and he likes this about you! He really likes you a lot! I feel like He has such a big plan for you. He is also telling me y'all are about to do some amazing stuff, y'all are going to have a lot of fun together!" It was almost as if He was putting words into my mouth as I got more comfortable speaking this over her. After I prayed for her, I looked at her and she was wiping tears from her face. 
Before we headed back we all exchanged numbers and emails, letting her know that we are here for her when she needs us. I told her we are now her prayer warriors.
I'm excited! I love pouring into people and loving on them. 

My small group surprised me by taking me to the zoo for a happy late birthday gift. Totally a blast! Love this group like none other! The peacocks were everywhere making their noises, that I think sound like the bird off of "UP". I think I embarrassed Logan a few times for mimicking some of the animals there or making sound effects to what animal I was looking at. The most fun I had was imitating a monkey's actions to what it is thinking at the moment. I am entertained by animals almost always.
It was fun but exhausting. I wanted to crash when I got back but it was like energy came back to me, so I 
Just hung out with everyone that was around.

I tried Bridge way today and let me just tell you! Worship rocked!!!!
Everything else, okay...but worship....WOW! 
The rest of the day I treated myself to a over half of my book left to read before tomorrow because its due I didn't succeed but I plan to finish early in the morning.

Woke up at 5:30 to go read at Starbucks. I finished!!! Woot woot! Always a celebration to finish a book on my account. It was a great book I must say. 
Troy Sherman is speaking this week on relationships! For two hours he spoke to us, giving no breaks and let me just say that I was ok with that. Because he is so entertaining. Blows my mind!:) 
His class went a little like this.... (my notes of what he said)
Love your neighbor as youself.
"Grace compelled me to change my behavior not law"
Gynecologists don't have to be Christians (this point is a little creepy to me)
A joke by Troy Sherman " I was meditating on the book of numbers and I realized I don't have yours." He is super funny and entertaining. It's going to be a great day.
The whole time we really dug into 1st Corinthians chapter 13.
"Being vulnerable makes us more like God and more powerful"
"what you did or what you do will never define you but what you do with that is what will define you."
Love- is desiring the highest good for the other individual.
"If Jesus has been telling you He loves you and you have been slapping it down, you have been quieting the lord."
The more clear God is with you the more reason you have to pee yourself.
Once you have something worth steeling the devil will attack.
Give Him your full heart and He will do infinity, hold back a little and He can only do His max.
Sometimes what seems the best will end up being the worst.
Sex was intended by God to be the overflow of intimacy.
I don't care about you having sex before marriage, its why you did it, I care about.
Less of us would sin if we had to pay for it.
It isn't a sin issue it is a love issue.
We confuse our attraction with our anointing.

really intense and interesting. (this isn't even all my notes....crazy...just summarized)

Troy Sherman talked about- Expressing different levels of understanding love.
"When I was a child I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways."
You will become like the thing you worship.
If your trying to love it's no longer love, its seduction.
Marriage doesn't fix you.
You cannot train a leader to love.
Lie's only have power, if you give them power.
We are the revival.
Love never fails
1st Corinthians 13:7-8 Love bears all things....
Have a good fight before you marry and then your ready.
1st Corinthians 13
He will not tell you but show you.


Troy Sherman
Ezekiel 16:49
Hope-A desire of some good, accompanied with all expectation of obtaining it or a belief that it is obtainable; an expectation of something which is thought to be desirable; confidence; pleasing expectancy.
Endure-To continue in the same state without perishing; to last; to remain.

I had drama practice today where I played the role of greed! Pretty fun and funny, I must say. I'm so happy to be here. 

Hard quiet time today, one of those mornings when you just leave the tissue box close by. 
Last day with Troy! So sad! He is really awesome and a talented speaker!
Dating and Marriage
Have a good fight before you marry.
Experience the good, bad and ugly.
1st Corinthians 13:4- Love is patient, love it kind....
Beauty is cursed in 2/3 of the world. Proof would be looking at the before and after pictures of anyone famous. Makeup is just making this world have a distorted view of beauty.
God called us to a ministry of obedience not success.
I would rather be drowning with Jesus than in the boat without Him.
Forgiveness-The blood of Jesus only covers what you uncover.
He loves you, let it go!
Identity- you can't relate to others unless you know you.

Today we had mid term evaluations on the leaders and directors. Hardest thing I have ever done! I don't know how to answer those type of things. Then we had small group where our group combined with Katie's group, who has Danny, Alley and storm. So all of us played taboo. 
Then we went to a really nice Brazilian restaurant, where we are a lot of food!:) really yummy stuff.
A lot of fun to just dress up and eat with some amazing people. The rest of the day consisted of resting and trying not to think about how full I was.  

For service Saturday we walked a 5k for Aids/HIV. When we arrived at the race, a family who lost their brother from Aids, was there ready to welcome. They were so excited to see us. They are such a sweet family and have a testimony of their brother. Breaks my heart that this is a problem in the world and not much is done for it. Not many survive. The families little kids were there, I got to play with them a little with a few other YWAM siblings of mine. Such a great day. The rest of the day was just restful.
I have decided I really love vineyard. I think it's because of the group that also likes going there but I also really like the worship leader. She has a really pretty voice.
After Church Meghan and I worked on our Thailand project for the cookout later. A family that is great friends with my leader Ruth has asked us to come for a cookout they are hosting for us. It was so sweet and so much fun. Getting so close to leaving for Costa Rica.

Donna is teaching us on spiritual warfare this week. It's so good.
Travel update
  • We have not heard much from the London, England base so we are not sure what will happen there. So keep that in your prayers. Yes, doors have been open as to where we will stay but not stable just yet.
  • We leave the Base at 8:30 pm Saturday and depart from the airport at 1:00am. From there we will land in South Carolina for a layover and then we go to Costa Rica.
least busiest Thursday I have ever had. So I got to facetime my sweet mom and sister. They got a sneak peak at one of the Drama's the compassion team was working on, that we also will be doing. Today we had a team meeting, these are always so good. We are learning how to communicate on outreach when we might not be in the best of moods. God has this, it's going to be good. I'm excited to be stretched and strengthened.
We had drama review today where we review all the drama's we will do on outreach. So much fun.:)
Pictures of my adventure

To kingdom night we go:)

I love the zoo

Zack and I in purple

The group at Brazilian steak house

Me and the beautiful Alyssa

Aids walk for service Saturday

Me and Cindy Lou hoo my puppet on outreach. We sing, we laungh and we dance!:)


Katie- Daughter of the one true king
P.s. will update as soon as I can!:)