Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hello everyone thanks so much for checking out my new blog!!!
I’m so excited for what God has planned. My goal in life is to make Him known to the world and let Him fulfill people’s lives. We can’t do it without Him… I love that when I asked Him what He wanted me to name my blog he said “Wild at Heart”. I asked “Why this name?” and He said “Katie my treasurer, you are like a little girl running through pastures of wild flowers picking the wounded ones up and putting them in a Beautiful vase. You take such wonderful care of them everyday and you never let them go until the wounded ones are now stronger ones that become my followers that blow from place to place, making a difference.”  I then took a moment to really understand what that meant also and realized that it meant- I am a flower with many seeds that blow off of me into other places that make more and more seeds, my personality is like none other and I can choose to be passionate about anything and everything or I can choose to fall in the ditch that was once my own. I chose to be passionate/ wild at heart about anything and everything.  

Wild at Heart
Katie Jones


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