Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Breaking free" background

Early spring the Lord brought me through a journey I thought was incredible. He started my heart on a song by Francesca Battistelli called "Beautiful Beautiful".

 The songs rhythm and words hit me with tears of excitement. I had an instant vision of dance moves among dance moves that went with every beat in the song. I didn't know what God was bringing me through but I was really excited about it. For months on into the summer I finished the Dance and was opened to a sermon series that went perfect with it. Soon I asked Him what His plans were to call it. I was too overwhelmed by the thought of the name anyways so I started writing down random names that stuck out in my head and one just seemed to pop out at  me..."Breaking free". I saw the similarity in the dance and the sermon series background with the name " Breaking free" and how all of it just clicked.
Then as my pencil went on and on over the page, Love, Hope, Peace and Faith came along and  with those were their steps.
Love- Every human being wants to know they are loved unconditionally ex specially by their one and only Father.
Hope-So we know were loved by the Father now the Father places in our life, foot steps to Hope that gives us a future and a meaning to life.
Peace- So we know were loved unconditionally, we have a hope in life and now the Father gives us Peace to walk in it.
Faith- were loved unconditionally, know we have a hope in life, peace to walk in it. Now He places Faith so we can step out with total knowing the He's with us.
Dance/skit- The last week is the finale, where the dance/skit takes action into full play, It's just a small way to show the steps that were studied through this four week adventure.
Here's the rough draft for the Dance/skit.
It might be hard to picture right now but I pray it gets through to view sometime.
Beautiful Beautiful”
                           By Francesca battistelli
                   Choreographed notes by: Katie Jones
3 angels
3 demons
1 guy
1 girl
Meaning of dance/song/skit ( spiritually )-
when life gets you down or people get you down thoughts and/or evil voices can trap you down, Suit cases can be packed with all sorts of junk during this stressful time but God can only unravel your heart into His arms and give you the peace and tell you “that its ok”. God can help you step by step to pour out your worries to Him if you just let Him so just trust in Him.:)

It starts out with a girl sitting on a rock all broken while her glasses are laying on the ground  (she has tear streaks or reactions to sadness on her face). The scene will have a cross with three stones ( love, hope and peace written where you can see them from the audience)laying on the ground with a huge suitcase full of stuff beside them, she has packed situations and fears from God and on the suitcase there is 3 demons sitting on it. Each time an angel comes in to the set the suitcase moves closer to the cross. Husband/ God comes in before any words from song are spoken. When the words are spoken “breaking through the dark “an angel comes in and kills a demon and the girl unbuttons the first button on her jacket that covers the dress.” like sunlight burning at making my life looking so beautiful (2) mercy reaching to save me all that I need you are so beautiful (2)…when these main words are spoken theirs a dance between the guy and the girl. “theirs a joy inside I cant contain” the girl un buttons the second button from her jacket and an angel comes in to the scene and kills a demon.” I have come undone, but I have just begun…changing by your grace” girl unbuttons last button and is being spinned around when words are longer and she spins off her jacket and has a passionate expression on her face (3rd angel appears on the set) when instruments in the song go up theirs a battle between all three angels against the one demon left. When instruments go higher and more exciting the last demon is killed.
Angels- dressed in white (of some sort)
Demons- dressed in black (of some sort)
Girl- red and black dress underneath a black jacket that covers it up till end of skit.
Guy- a suit

Final version with lyrics!
Album: My Paper Heart Artist: Francesca Battistelli
Don’t know how it is You looked at me
And saw the person that I could be
Awakening my heart
Breaking through the dark
Suddenly Your grace
·        It starts out with a girl sitting on a rock all broken (reactions to sadness are shown w/ a hang of the head) while her glasses are laying on the ground….God/Husband walks in and is showing her (there’s different dance moves showing this) “Love” when words are starting to the song. She unbuttons first button on Jacket. At certain pause theirs a big bang showing that a demon has just been defeated and theirs an angel on set.
Like sunlight burning at
Making my life something so
Beautiful, beautiful
Mercy reaching to save me
All that I need
You are so
Beautiful, beautiful
·      A special dance between God/Husband and the girl takes place. More explaining…yet to come. :) Now there’s a joy inside I can’t contain
But even perfect days can end in rain
And though it’s pouring down
I see You through the clouds
Shining on my face
·      excitement is being shown from the girl while God/Husband is off to the side showing as a light for her , as soon as she realizes that even if you have God theirs still going to be bad days so she looks up to God for direction. (While a light is being shown on her as God being the light). She unbuttons second button. Theirs another big bang, showing that the second angel is on set and just defeated a demon.
Like sunlight burning at
Making my life something so
Beautiful, beautiful
Mercy reaching to save me
All that I need
You are so
Beautiful, beautiful
·       special dance between God/Husband and the girl

I have come undone
But I have just begun
Changing by Your grace
·       She unbuttons the last button on her jacket to show that she is all Gods.
·       Long extended words- God/husband is spinning her while she has spinned her jacket off or she will take it off before and spin. (Whatever works)

Oh you~
·       She’s ultimately changed in the father’s eyes and has a passionate expression on her face.
·       Another (an omega angel)angel comes into the set, when instruments go higher and more exciting all three angels are in battle with this one demon left.

Like sunlight burning at
Making my life something so
Beautiful, beautiful
Mercy reaching to save me
All that I need
You are so
·       All three angels are going to stand in the back in a line.

Like sunlight burning at
Making my life something so
Beautiful, beautiful
Mercy reaching to save me
All that I need
You are so
Beautiful Beautiful
·        She’s being held in the Fathers arms while music is softening and they are slowly but quickly making their way to the bench before the music ends.
When the song is heading to its end they walk back to the bench, hand in hand, sits down and they are talking like best friends, with all three angels around them. (25 second approximate to head back to the bench)

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